Hujan, Deadline, dan East Timor
Pagi banget: bangun, minum obat. Males banget tapi ini hari deadline. Bangun deh, mandi pake air anget dan nggak sempet makan pagi. Untung roti unyil kebawa...phewwhh...
Selewat pagi dikit: gak ngojek (mahal bo') dan emang musti naik angkot juga secara ujan. The traffic was almost like hell, tapi gw gak telat sih.
Pagi dan mulai reda: Ternyata ketemuan Rien di stats dan naik pakuan jam 8 deh.
Di atas kereta yang bergerak: Ada sms masuk. "Ramos Horta ditembak, Timor Leste lagi tegang".
Gw langsung nengok dan panik sama Rien, maklum, she will leave Indonesia for Dili this week and will stay there for about 6 months. And this new situation will not a good thing to face by the time she arrives there. Kita langsung cari data dari BBC.CO.UK dari ponsel Rien. It was right! Horta was shotted, Xanana saved, guards killed, and the leader of the attack, Alfredo Reinado was also killed, shotted by president's guards. The war (civil war) is on the gate...Timor Leste faces a new problem.
Lewat pagi hingga sore: busy with deadline and misses another rendez-vous avec Deka and Opan. Shuuut!!!
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