le 30 avril...

Seminggu terakhir bulan April, i had this fucking seizure almost everyday...guess she miss me, huh?! but, c'on man, i start to really get sick about all of it (wait....I AM SICK, hahaha...)

Tuna Salad yang menunggunya. Dengan begonya, dia nggak dateng, sementara my biggest mistake was hoping to meet him there...and i just waited like a stupid big girl. I texted Sri and said: "my mistake Sri, i had a meeting with him and now i was alone, he didn't come...". Sri tried to cheer me up of course, but you know, just like Fergie said: big girls don't cry...

This is the latest pic of me, in the end of April 2008. I looked chubbier than before (like always) with that fake smile on my face...ohhh you just dont wanna see it, skip it, man! (though i know it's so hard to skip that irresistable smile-fake smile)

Conello attacked the refri at my office...about 40 Conellos sent for djakarta! crew...Guess, Conello spreads the love...

These are my new pills. I hate the color (lime, aqua and grey). And the grey one, it makes me feel wanna trow up about 12 hours after i swallow it..yeaakkk....plus, it coasts expensive!

Btw, on April 26th, Deka celebrated her birtday. I only gave her this cute littel cupcake. Wishing u all the best!

The deadline is on...still Ara and Nyoman smiled at their best. You go, girls! (Owh, Dini was at the back of Ara, She was sooo serious-hmm, writting her blog, Haha...)
This is design department. That handsome man with glasses and no hair is Didit, and that young messy hair look is Arief. Over back there is Elik's desk and Tiara's is the closest one but she wasn't there when i took this pic (that hot mama!).

And this is my desk, my corner. Posters evrywhere (including that Mike Shinoda, Chester Bennington, MJ-haha-, Amy Winehouse, my nephew, my niece, Linkin Park, the Concepts Poster etc. On my chair there's a round orange pillow from Sri, tq Sri!-it helps me alot when i get seizure attack).

The deadline situation, soooooo scary..............

The massage lazy chairs at House of OPI

Lunch with sandwiches...not again!

Watching the closing of Festival Sinema Prancis with Nyoman. We watched "Le Scaphandre et le papillon", great movie!

This weird face at Meet Liefde, Dutch Resto at Bogor!

Meet Liefde in front!

Bapak yang pegang tangannya jatuh di depan pintu kereta. Nobody helped him. I screamed like terrorist "Masya Allaaaaaaaaaaah, somebody help him!!!"...It worked!

More men stand up on april 21st...

More women sit at april 21st...it was Kartini Day!
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