Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mini Sexy Delicious!

"Cupcakes are like sex, money or chocolate - everybody loves them a lot."
Brandon Arnovick -Music Producer/Cupcake Baker (yay! how sexy is that???;-p)
After deka sent me the 20 supa-dupa cute & delicious 'beach & bikini's themed' cupcakes for my birthday, i became instantly a big fans of cupcakes! There is one i know that is very expensive in EX Plaza, but then lots of people make cupcakes and sell it through blog and facebook. And these kinds are cheaper yet still delicious. If you like to taste it & become one of cupcakes fans, visit these links: or look at Mayasmita Sekartadji on Facebook (and peek her passion for kitchen on: Meanwhile i write this post, i'm waiting my 20 cupcakes with Idul Fitri theme, made by Maya Asmita. Yay!!!

1 comment:

Mayasmita said...

yuummy cupcakes :)
btw Margie, ini Mita :) tadi comment di blog aq ya? journal yg kecil harganya 30rb yg besar lgs pesen aja k aq :)