Thursday, December 27, 2007

Capture The Moments!

Les Moments Ridicules
(Try to celebrate some little moment and enjoy it)

Ini pas kakak ipar gw nyoba parkirin mobil di depan rumah gw, hehehe susah gila secara our front yard is soooo small, belum lagi tanaman2 nyokap yang banyak (ujungnya nyokap gw mindahin pot-potnya itu ke balkon atas kamar gw, huhuhu)

Ini nyokap gw yang ikutan ribet soal parkiran mobil lataran masih ada pot tanamannya depan mobil ini, huehehe. kakak gw ( di kanan) kuatir mobilnya tergores, maklum baru bo...dasar norak, hihihi!

Ini tanggal 20 Desember 2007 pagi, nyokap ultah. I wasn't there (in the pic) because i was the one who took this pic. (From left to right: my mum, Resti-my long cousin-, my sister Ayu, her husband, Irwan, and Wati-the babysitter of Aldan, my nephew-he was sleeping at my bed).

This is the watch that we gave her, it's Fossil.
So, hppy birthday Mum, and hppy mother day!
Que Allah te benisse la joie, sante, et le bonheur (pour nous aussi).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!