Wednesday, January 02, 2008

just a post after deadline

Randomly Things..
When i wrote this, it was January 2nd, so it was the second day in 2008, and what i got? The weakness seizure from 11 am till 3.30 pm. Aaargh! I didn't even know why i had it. Well, i had my lunch a little bit late but that was it. I had my morning pills, i had enough slept (well there was a weird dream i had) and my jobs just went well. Now, my condition was getting better. It was 4.30 and i was in hurry write this blog. I have to catch the train at 5.30 and i have to go to Balavas-in Bogor- to pick up my new jeans (yeeyy...).Hopelly, the jeans will fitted me well, specially the black jeans i just bought last week.
Talking about random things, i wanna share something about great book that i just had finished read i
t. It was "The Sirens of Baghdad", wrote by Yasmina Khadra. I finished read it yesterday night, and got carried away by the story, especially the main character that left un-named by the writer. I even dreamed about it, hihihi. And what more weird was the boy (the character) in my dream was the same boy in the film The Lost Boys, movie in 1978. Yes, the starring Jason Patric (Speed 2) was the boy in my dream. He looked so real. His face was pale, his body language was so bizarre, his hair curly and messy, but his eyes told everything. And i felt the overwhelmed that he felt, the sadness, the angry, and the confusion (kebayang gak sih lo?!). I woke up and was tired. Let me explain lil'bit about The Sirens of Baghdad and this boy...
The Sirens in Baghdad is simply told about a boy from a deserted village (in the stormy desert), Kafr Karam (kalau gak salah).Nah, (pake bahasa indo aja lah, susah bo) cowok ini sebenrnya lagi kuliah di Universitas Baghdad tapi haus berhenti dan pulang kampung setelah US invasi dan Saddam terguling. Things were never be the same anymore, tapi karena desanya terpencil jadi kehidupan cowok ini dan kampungnya lumayan aman aja. Sampai suatu kali, cowok ini mendadak harus ke kampung besar untuk cari rumah sakit karena anak tetangganya (yang punya keterbelakangan mental/idiot) tangannya luka dan musti diobatin di RS besar. Cowok ini nyupir dan bawa mobil kenceng karena keadaan darurat. Tapi, di tengah gurun, they were stopped by armed and uniformed people. Some of them were iraqi and some were americans. Mereka nanya2 soal tujuan dan siapa identitas mereka dalam mobil sambil bentak2 dan nendang2. Cowok ini berusaha meyakinkan kalau mereka cuma penduduk sipil biasa dan musti buru2 ke desa seberang untuk ke RS. But unfortunately, tentara sm sekali gak denger. They dragged him out of the car and began to hit him. Tentara lain menendang-nendang mobil dan neriakan penumpang lain dibagian belakang yang nggak lain adalah sang ayah dan si anak yang terluka. The father begged sadly: "please, my son is not normal, you'll scare him. He's injured, please sir!" Then they dragged the father too, and grabbed the son brutally. The son who was completely lost direction, injured, and knew nothing about the situation, began to cry and scream. They lost him, and the boy ran out in the desert. And just we guessed, the army shot him, rained him with hundreds bullets till his head blown up and went into pieces. The father just took silent and hold his breath and tears. Meanwhile, the boy (the main character) in the position of his hands put on his back head witnessed this incident and dropped tears silently in his cheeks. He was overwhelmed (who wasn't anyway).
They came back in their village. They buried the boy. They didn't protest, the village was grief for days and kept silent. They accepted the boy's death and chosed not to invite more army/government peeps/army in their village. But again, the US army fell bomb on the wedding in the village. Women and children killed. The people again accepted that as destiny. They were angry but there was nothing they can do. It was over, but of course not for the boy.
Kemarahan mulai tumbuh di dalam jiwa cowok ini. Tapi semua orang mencoba menenangkan org lain dengan mengingatkan bahwa situasi Iraq memang sedang memburuk dan mereka masih lebih baik dibanding kampung2 lain yang sering sweeping. Belum lagi, sahabat2 cowok ini selalu bisa nenangin jiwa cowok ini yang mulai terguncang.
Tapi, puncaknya adalah ketika suatu malam, pasukan US masuk ke rumah cowok ini untuk memeriksa apakah ada senjata atau nggak. Semua anggote keluarganya dipaksa bangun dan berbaris di ruangan tanpa membenahi pakaian tidur mereka. Ibu, kakak-kakak perempuannya, cowok itu termasuk ayahnya dipaksa keluar dari kamar. But the worst thing about to happen...ayahnya diseret dalam keadaan memakai kaos saja dan tanpa celana. Ayahnya terjatuh di tengah keluarga dan semua keluarga bisa melihat kemaluan sang ayah. Why it was so worst? Cause in Bedouin tradition (which of course Americans soldiers don't know or even understand about it) organ vital ayah yang dilihat oleh seluruh keluarga terutama pada anak laki2 berarti bencana. Ini berarti harga diri keluarga itu sudah hilang. Ayah, anak dan keluarganya sudah tidak punya harga diri lagi, mereka bisa dikucilkan dr masyarakat. Nggak ngerti? Well, nggak usah bersusah payah ngerti, it's just tradition. No matter how strange or bizarre it was, it's tradition! People keep it, obey, and they follow the rule no matter what. It's in their blood, in their vain, it's just like their religion. Dan parahnya, untuk mengembalikan harga diri yang hilang, rasa malu bisa dihapus dengan darah. Wuaks, aneh banget kan, tapi sekali lagi itu tradisi Bedouin. Ini kutipan bukunya:
...honor is no joking matter. An offense must be washed away in blood, which is the sole authorized detergent when it's a question of keeping one's self-respect." And the boy pointed: Either live like a man or die as a martyr - there's no other alternative for one who wants to be free....I'm waiting for the moment when I'll recover my self-esteem, without which a man is nothing but a stain."
So, there was it...Motivasi ini cukup membuat dia pergi meninggalkan rumah (drpada bikin malu ayahnya), pergi dr kampungnya dan mencari jalan untuk mengembalikan kehormatan keluarganya (dengan darah). Tujuannya: the most danger city at that moment: Baghdad.

la suite...

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